If you are trying to lose weight, the first thing you should find out is how many calories you need to burn every day.
Knowing how many calories you burn each day will help you figure out how many calories to consume so that you create a calorie deficit that will lead to weight loss.
Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds, our online calorie calculator will do all calculations for you and give you a straight forward answer.
It is highly recommended though to go through our step-by-step example to understand what these numbers mean.
Here is a summary of what we want to achieve:
Steps to calculate how many calories you need to burn a day
- Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is how many calories are needed by your body to function properly (based on your age, sex and height)
- Use the Harris-Benedict formula (BMR X activity level) to find out how many calories you need to consume per day to maintain your current weight
- Decide how many pounds you want to lose and when
- Based on the above, calculate how many calories you should save per day either through dieting or by burning calories through exercising
BMR and Calorie Calculator
How many calories to burn a day to lose weight?
You can use our calculator above to find out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), how many calories you burn per day based on your activity level and how many calories you need to save per day (through dieting or exercise) in order to reach your weight loss goal.
To understand the theory behind these calculations, read our step by step example below.
You do not have to keep a pen and paper because our daily calorie calculator will do the hard part.
Step 1: Calculate your BMR
The first step is to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
Many studies have found that in general women need 1500-2000 calories to maintain their current weight and for men the range goes to 2000-2500 calories.
This number is also known as the Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR).
In essence, this figure gives you the number of calories your body needs on a daily basis in order to function properly.
To calculate you BMR (1), use the formulas below (enter your weight in pounds and height in inches).
BMR for Men: 66 + (6.2 x weight) + (12.7 x height) – (6.76 x age)
BMR for Women: 655.1 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height) – (4.7 x age)
For example, the BMR for a woman age 20, 5 feet height, weighting 140 pounds is: 1447.65 Calories.
This is not how many calories you should consume per day but how many calories your body needs to function without doing anything. It can also be considered as the number of calories you burn a day doing nothing.
Step 2: The Harris-Benedict Formula
The next step is to use the Harris-Benedict formula (2) to calculate how many calories you need per day to maintain your current weight.
Harris-Benedict Equation = BMR x Activity Factor
Daily Activity | Activity Factor |
Sedentary (little or no exercise) | 1.2 |
Lightly Active (light exercise, doing sports 1-3 days per week) | 1.375 |
Moderately Active (sports/exercise 3-5 days per week) | 1.55 |
Very Active (intense sports 6 or 7 days per week) | 1.725 |
Extra Active (sports and exercise, physical job or hard training) | 1.9 |
For example, if your BMR is 1600 calories and you are lightly active during the day then your daily calorie requirements are: 1600 x 1.375 = 2200 calories per day. 2200 calories are needed so that you maintain your current weight.
If you want to lose weight you should be consuming less than 2200 calories per day and if you want to gain weight you should be consuming more than 2200 calories per day.
Step 3: How many pounds you want to lose?
The next step is to decide how many pounds you want to lose and when. To set-up realistic goals, you should understand when do you lose weight.
When do you lose weight?
There are many factors that affect how much weight you can lose (and when) but in its simplest form weight loss will occur when the calories you burn are more than the calories you consume.
Food and drinks (think diet) are the only sources for calories you consume while exercise, physical activity and other body factors affect the rate you burn calories.
So, if you manage to control these 2 sources and create a calorie deficit you will eventually start losing weight.
How many calories are in a pound?
Let’s add one more parameter to our equation which is 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories aprx.
This means that if you consume 3500 more calories than what you burn in a period of time you will gain one pound but if you manage to burn 3500 more calories than you consume you will lose 1 pound.
Step 4: How many calories to burn per day for weight loss
The last step is to calculate how many calories you need to burn per day in order to reach your goal weight.
This is only an estimate and it is not guaranteed that by following this number you will lose or gain weight.
There are many other factors involved in losing weight and the number of calories you consume is just one of the elements and since it is easy to calculate you can use it as your starting point.
Let’s assume that you are a 40 year old woman, 5 ft and 3 inches tall, 143 pounds weight and lightly active. Your goal is to lose 5 pounds in 2 months.
This is how you calculate the amounts of calories to burn per day:
1. Your BMR is 1385 calories
2. Your daily calorie needs based on your current activity level is 1905 calories.
This means that if you consume 1905 calories per day, you will maintain your current weight. If you eat more than 1905 calories you will eventually gain weight and if you eat less than 1905 calories, you will lose weight.
3. Your goal is to lose 5 pounds / 2.3 kg in 60 days, which is about 17500 calories (1 pound of fat is 3500 calories).
This means you need to save or burn 17,500 extra calories for the next 60 days.
Doing some basic calculations you can find out that this is equivalent to 280 calories per day. If you manage to save 280 calories per day you will lose 5 pounds in 2 months.
4. Subtract the number of calories you need to save per day (Step 3 above) from your daily calorie needs (step 2 above)
Daily Calorie needs – Calorie savings per day = 1905 – 280 = 1625 calories per day.
This is the number of calories you need to eat per day if you want to lose 5 pounds in 2 months!
The amount of calories you need to burn per day, depends on how much you are consuming.
Remember your goal is to save 280 calories per day over and above what your body needs to function properly.
For example, if you are consuming 1800 calories per day, in order to lose weight you need to consume only 1625 calories per day (as calculated above).
This means that you should burn 175 calories per (1800-1625) day through exercise.
So, in this example:
- The number of calories you burn per day for normal body functioning is 1905.
- If you consume 1800 calories per day then it means you are saving 105 calories per day, but this is not enough to reach your weight loss goal which is to lose 5 pounds in 60 days.
- To reach your goal, you need to burn an additional 175 calories per day (280 – 105) through exercise.
To lose weight faster, you can try reducing your daily calorie intake or increase calories burn through exercise.
How many calories you burn through exercise and other activities?
Burning calories is not easy. Those that are counting calories burned while exercising know that it’s hard work to burn those extra calories.
To give you an idea, here is how many calories you can burn in 30-minute activities. (3)
Counting calories and weight loss
Does calorie counting works for weight loss?
From my experience a lot of people hesitate to even try and lose weight because they don’t know from where to start. They know that they should go on a diet and exercise regime but the lack of measurable goals creates uncertainty and this leads to failure before to even begin!
To bypass this problem and have clear goals on what you want to achieve, you can start your weight loss process by doing some simple calorie calculations, as explained above.
By calculating how many calories you should be eating per day and how many calories you should be burning per day, you can have a better picture about your daily calorie needs and a rough estimate as to when you will be able to reach your ideal weight.
What you should know when trying to lose weight
- When you start a diet or weight loss program you will not only lose fat. Especially at the beginning you will lose water weight and in some cases you may also lose muscle. So the results in the first few weeks may be misleading.
- When you make sudden or drastic changes to your diet the body will try to adapt by lowering the metabolic rate. In other words it enters a protective mode by reducing the number of calories it needs per day. As a result weight loss may slow down.
- The absolute minimum amount of calories you can consume per day is 1000-1100 kcal. It is not recommended to go beyond this number for any reason.
- The recommended weight to lose per week is between 1 – 1.5 pounds. Anything above that can have other implications to your health and normal body functioning.
- Do not forget that drinks also carry calories so make sure that you include drinks in your daily calorie calculations.
- You can use a technique called “calorie cycling” to make the process easier to follow. This means that once you calculate your daily calorie needs you can go above and below this range on different days of the week. If for example you daily calorie needs are 1700 you can choose to go above this number on Monday and Wednesday and below this number the rest days of the week but try to avoid exaggerations.
- Make sure that you give correct measurements for your weight and height when calculating your BMR.
- Do not lie about your activity level but try to be as accurate as possible.
- Do not decrease your daily calorie intake by more than 500 calories per day. Better expand the time period. Reducing your intake by 500 calories is a lot and very difficult to follow for a long time.
- Always consult your doctor or dietician before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
As explained above, you can use these calculations to give you an idea where you stand and how much effort you need to make until you meet your goals and target weight.
Weight loss depends on a lot more factors and calculating the calories you need per day is just your starting point.
Don’t forget that the amount of calories you should burn a day depends on the number of calories you consume through food and the number of calories you want to save for weight loss.
If you eat more calories than you need, you will have to burn more calories through exercise to stay aligned with your weight loss goals.
Annaya says
I am 26 year old female, 165cm and I weight 80 kg. I am walking 2-3 times per week for about 30 minutes and would like to lose 5 pounds before the summer. Please tell me how many calories should I consume per day.
calorieadmin says
Annaya Hi
Based on your data, if your goal is to lose 5kg in 90 days (which is about 1.5kg per month) you need to consume around 1785 calories per day. Your BMR is 1603 kcal and your daily calorie needs (to maintain your current weight) is 2205 calories. Please note that this is just an indication since there are many other factors that may affect the rate you will lose weight.
Hope this helps!
Lilian says
Eating a good breakfast in the morning can help you spread the remaining calories throughout the day without feeling that you have to count calories every time you eat. Calculate on average how many calories you consume in breakfast and then allocate the rest 50% for launch, 25% for dinner and the rest for snacking!
Martin says
That’s very nice information but I am confused about the difference of BMR and RMR…are these two the same? Please explain
Alex Chris says
Martin Hi
Thank you for the interesting question. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) are closely related as they both present the amount of daily energy (calories) required by the body to carry out normal physiological functions. When using a calculator, like the one above, the results of both BMR and RMR should be the same but when these measurements are taken in a lab, BMR calculation is more strict as to the conditions it is taken. For example it is required to sleep for at least 8 hours etc while RMR conditions are less strick so it is expected that RMR result will be slightly higher.
For the purpose of calculating your daily calorie needs, the result presented by our BMR calculator above is more than sufficient.
Andy says
Great calculator
calorieadmin says
Thanks a lot Andy, glad you found it useful!
All the best
Bonnie Sayers says
I really want to lose bodyfat and not much weight.
Alex Chris says
Bonnie Hi and thanks for commenting.
I will come back with a new article about the difference of body fat loss VS weight loss which will cover everything you need to know (hopefully). Stay tuned…
Jordan says
How can I lose weight without counting calories?
Alex Chris says
Jordan Hi
In short, yes you can lose weight without doing any calorie calculations. This is just one of the tools you have to help you lose weight and nothing more. You can read more here: https://www.caloriesecrets.net/can-you-lose-weight-without-counting-calories/
Hope this helps
Christina says
I lost 10 pounds just by cutting down soft drinks and sweets. Think before you eat and not after your eat…that’s the key for me
Alex Chris says
Christina that’s absolutely true. Better take measures to avoid weight gain rather than trying to find solutions afterwards. It’s no surprise that cutting down sodas and sweets helped you lose weight. Well done and let us know how you are progressing.
Lacey says
So I can go all morning doing great not eating bad at all, do my exercise. I even make a healthy lunch. But after lunch it’s like I want sweets and salts. It totally ruins my hole morning of working so hard to be healthy. What are something’s I can do to prevent those sweets and salty cravings! It absolutely sucks. Also one more question is there a big difference if I walk/jog inside or outside? Is one more better for me? Thank you!!
Sara says
I also lost ten pounds just cutting out sodas,sweets and bread. It all depends on what you eat a lot of , I think the more fruits and veggies you eat the less calorie counting you need to do. For breakfast I boil an egg and make a fruit smoothie , black coffee helps in weight loss too 🙂
Alan says
Hi Alex,
I am going to try this out…if my calculations are correct I should eat something like 1400 calories per day..that’s 450 calories less of what I am doing now….hope I can make it…
Thanks, Stella
Leigh says
I read somewhere that the average person puts on 6 pounds during the holiday season. For a lot of health conscious people this is not a big deal. The problem lies in the fact that most do nothing to lose that extra weight so it all adds up over the years.
Knowing calorie requirements and how to get rid of excess is a great way of enjoying the festive season with a little bit less guilt.
David Allen says
I like the fact that you have a calculator tool on there and you can use proper measurement in there Kilos and centimetres instead of the antiquated system that only America is too scared to let go of. Whichever weights and measures system you like, there is some useful info in the article if you need to shed a bit of weight.
Joanne says
That’s a nifty little tool you have on your site! Thanks for sharing it. 🙂 Your blog has been inspiring me to lose the weight I need to after I stopped working at my gym and moved to Florida.
Alex (Calorie Secrets Admin) says
HI Joanne
Thanks a lot for your nice comment. All the best with your weight loss efforts.
Jason Grant-Henriques says
This was probably the most comprehensive explanation of weight loss that I have ever read. I think its time to get back in to shape!
Debra Eckerling says
Really great info! Next time I need to fit into a dress in a jiffy – or just feel like shedding a few pounds – I will definitely use this as a reference. Thanks!
Anita says
Inspiring blog! Love the easy to understand explanation. I will share your wisdom.
John says
Hi there,
I am trying to figure out my physical activity level on the top of the site. I exercise everyday, and lately I’ve been spinning on my Airdyne bike pretty vigorously (~225-235 watts) for an hour and brisk walking with my girlfriend 2-3 miles in the evenings. The bike says I burn 1000 calories, and although I sure feel and look as if it has burned that much, I feel it’s exaggerating the amount big time. So, would these exercises, do you think, qualify for moderate or very active? Also, I’m a 145-150 pound male, and I’m just trying to maintain my weight & fitness level during the summer.
Thanks, and great site!
Alex Chris says
John Hi
Thank you for your nice comments.
Airdyne statistics show 1 hour (hard effort) can help you burn 600 kcal so the 1000 may seem a bit exaggerated.
Based on your statistics, you qualify for moderate activity. This nice table can help you figure out what is considered moderate and what active: http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/physical/pdf/PA_Intensity_table_2_1.pdf
Also read this post: https://www.caloriesecrets.net/how-long-should-a-workout-last/ to get an idea of how long should you exercise for maintaining your weight and fitness level.
Hope this helps
Don says
Good stuff
Vanja Stace says
Hi can you please check the automatic calculation? It told me to CONSUME 604 calories per day but when I calculated manually it worked out that I should REDUCE intake by 604 calories. The difference between the two is huge.
Your goal is to lose 13 lb / 6 kg in 28 days.
Your Basic Metabolic Rate is 1428.5 calories
Your daily calorie needs based on your current activity level is 2214 calories
To reach your goal, you will need to reduce your daily calorie intake by 1610 calories, which means to consume 604 calories daily.
Alex says
Vanja Hi
Based on your data the automatic calculation is correct. If your goal is to lose 13 pounds in only 28 days then you need to save (13*3500) / 28 = 1625 calories per day. If you daily calorie requirements is 2214 then your daily target in order to reach your goal in the time specified is as low as 604 calories per day.
Of course this is not possible or recommended (it’s actually dangerous). What I suggest is to increase the duration to 60 days. By doing so you need to save 758 calories per day, which brings your daily calorie intake to 1456.
Please also note that this calculation is only an indication and nothing else. It helps to know how many calories you should eat or burn per day but the most important is to concentrate on eating healthier food and do more physical activities and exercise. You can browse our articles for more details.
Let me know if this is clear or if you still have questions.
dorota says
I am 31 year old about 5’8 tall and 147lbs
I am trying to lose the last 10 pound but seems like its taking forever
I do exercise at least 4 times a week (4-5 times). I usually do 45 min cardio and abs exercises and burn between 1600- 1800 calories 3 times a week and weights 1-2 times a week. I do eat healthy but do have occasional drink, some chips or chocolate (with moderation) I am not sure how many calories i consume daily. I usually eat 5 times a day. That includes protein shake with greek yougurt and fruits.
Not sure what else i can do to finally shred the last 10 pounds.
Alex says
@dorota: From experience that last 5-10 pounds are the most difficult to go. I know exactly what you mean and I believe this will help – https://www.caloriesecrets.net/how-to-lose-the-last-5-pounds/
Jackie Ross says
Hello I’m a female who weigh 200 pounds I’m want to lose 50 pounds how much calories do I intake a day
Manjit says
Well all i am concerned about losing fat on my face cheeks and chin. Kindly suggest on this
well i m 22years old. And my weight is 69kg.
Angel says
Alex, If I eat 1,300 calories a day but burn 650 of them is that healthy. I’m 6ft4 340lbs Age 22 male. I do a 4 mile walk 3-4 times a week and do very light weight lifting. I’d like to lose 20 pounds by January 1st. My main concern is I might be pushing my body to hard to fast but I feel fine I’d like to know if I’m doing ok burning almost half my calorie intake and if my weight loss goal is realistic.
Alex says
Angel Hi
I am afraid your goal is not realistic (: . Miracles do happen but 20 pounds in a month is just too much. Please have a look at this and I am sure you will understand what I mean: https://www.caloriesecrets.net/how-to-lose-15-pounds-of-fat-in-3-months-or-less/
Farheen says
I am 5.7” and weight 99 kg. I am student of science. I want to lose minimum 15 kg in 80 days but due to my busy schedule i cant do much about diet. Hence i do eat as less as possible & avoid to take soda or fast food but because as indian, food contains oil even in vegies. I have started exercise since 1st of december & i wanna lose minimum 15 kg until starting of april. Please tell me some other way to lose atleast 4 kg per month. Thanx
Alex says
Farheen Hi
This is exactly what you need: https://www.caloriesecrets.net/how-to-lose-15-pounds-of-fat-in-3-months-or-less/ and this https://www.caloriesecrets.net/how-to-find-time-to-exercise/
Hope this helps
Kaur says
Hi I am 27/F and 163 cm hgt, 116p wght. I am burning 1000 calories/day mostly i have a active lifestyle but i want to lose extra fat from my body want to lose another 10 pounds in 90days. I am confused when it says you need to consume less calories than you burn so i am eating only 900 calories/day. Can you please explain how much calories should i consume its very confusing.
Krishna says
Hi all,
I am 22 years old female. My height is 5.4″ and weight 59kg. I want to reduce 9kg in a period of one month. Please suggest. Also please share the diet plan chart.
Hope says
Hope this is accurate, because when I push calculate it goes back to default of gender and with no exercise, which is not correct.
Alex says
The calculations are correct. To make it clearer the calculator now shows in the result the values taken into account.
suraj grover says
hi! i m in my 19’s,a guy,and i weigh almost 80 kgs..i want to lose weight in about 2 months by 10-15 kgs..i walk almost 15 kms a day..i have a healthy indian diet..i avoid rice soft drinks for most of the time..consumes non veg at weekends..do you think it’l help me achieve my goal.?
and if not..how can i achieve it? thanks.
Alex says
Suraj hi
Please see my response below to @John, your data is similar. You can also read: https://www.caloriesecrets.net/dieting-but-not-losing-weight-youre-doing-these-10-mistakes/ and
John says
Hi my name is John and I am 18 years old. Currently, I weigh 80kg and my goal is to lose 10 kg in 2months Also, my height is 5ft 11 inches. Please advice how many calories I should burn in a day and how what should be the maximum calorie intake in order to reach the goal.thanks a lot
Alex says
John Hi
if you use our calorie calculator with the data you have provided, the result is not realistic. In order to lose 10kg in 2 months you need to consume less than 1500 calories per day which is not recommended. Instead of setting a goal of 2 months, make it 4 months so that your daily intake will be around 2000 calories.
Now that you know how many calories to eat, to find out how many calories to burn a day, please see section “How many calories to burn per day if you want to lose weight?” above.
Hope this helps
Shubhangi says
Hey,my height is 165cm,my weight is 74kg,my age is 28years,I want to loose weight so I have joined gym,tell how much calories should I burn per day to loose 15kg in three month,I am planning to have 1200 calories in diet
chrissie says
hello 🙂 i am 5ft 8 and weigh 200lbs, i want to lose around 70 lbs in about 90 days. could you tell me how many calories i should be burning a day and how many i should be eating? thankyou, it would mean alot 🙂 xxx
Holly says
Hello, Great article! I came across this just now and did my BMI calculations and I want to loose 50 lbs by August 1st, 2013. My Basic Metabolic Rate is 1831.15 calories, my daily calorie needs based on your current activity level is 2838 calories. To reach my goal, it says I will need to reduce my daily calorie intake by 910 calories, which means to consume 1928 calories daily. I am afraid of loosing muscle during this process. Please help, and how many calories less do I consume to loose 1 lb per week?
Thank you,
Holly M.
Alex says
Holly Hi
Please read this: https://www.caloriesecrets.net/how-to-lose-body-fat-without-losing-muscle/ and this https://www.caloriesecrets.net/exercising-and-not-losing-weight-you-are-doing-these-mistakes
Ray says
Hi there,
I was wondering if you could help me out and give me your advice and recomandations..
I am trying to workout 3 times a week or more if possible. So far, I’ve exercised 3times this week. My goal is to lose 5-7lbs within 30 days.
I am a Female.
21 years old
5’3 tall
and 125 LBS.
How many calories should I burn a day and how many should i consume a day?
What can i do to lose this weight?
walid says
i am 160 kg height 180 cm how can i loose 80 kg and i have very big stomach what can i do
Lori says
Hi Alex,
I’m a 45 y.o. female that stands 6’2 weighing 254. I have gained about 60 pounds over the past 5 years due to hormone changes and a hysterectomy. I have recently reduced my calorie intake to 1750 daily along, I also workout 5 days a week strength training and my recumbent bike for 51 mins burning about 460. My question to you, do you think that my goal of losing 50 pounds by June 1st is realistic??
Thanks in advance, Lori.
Jenny says
I am 20 years old and weigh 180 pounds at 5 foot even. That is considered obese but I have been working out for about two months and eating right along with drinking tons of water and I will go from 175-180 and everywhere in between. I believe it is mainly water weight.
What am I doing wrong?
Willie W. says
Great article. Thank you for a very simple calculator, it’s very easy to use it unlike on other sites.
Alex (Calorie Secrets Admin) says
Hi Willie
Thanks a lot. That was our intention, to create a calorie calculator that is straightforward and easy to use.
Tanya says
Hi there, I’m a 30 yr old stay home mom…I have been trying sooooo hard to lose weight, My thyroid is borderline hypo, just looking for something to kick start my metabolism??? Any advice would be great 🙂 I have tried walking everyday at least 30mins, weight training 3 days a week im getting very discouraged
lucy says
hello, im an 18 year old female who is 164 cm tall and weighs 130.2 lbs. i would like to lose 14 pounds in 4 months. how many calories should i be eating a day to lose this weight?
Many thanks, lucy
Trish says
I’m 5″4, 24 years old and weighing about 61kg at present. I have added about a stone over the last few months that I am desperate to lose. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and have been for last four weeks and do interval running for 2 miles, boxing, rowing and cycling. I also do body pump once a week. I am trying to control my diet by having bran flakes or porridge for breakfast and them quorn fillets and salad for lunch with fruit and then bran flakes or vegetables with noodles or rice for dinner (im vegetariane) and green tea nd fruit etc as snacks. I’m finding it really hard to lose the weight though for some reason. Trying to keep my calorie count to 1400 per day and then burning off about 350 minimum on the days I do go to the gym. I have found that my thighs have gotten bigger and it is really starting to depress me. Any advice or help you could give on where I am going wrong would be greatly appreciated.
Aditya says
Good work, Alex. This is going to help numerous people around the world. Just revise it once again for a few typos, e.g. you seem to have used “cal” and”kcal” interchangeably, at a number of places, which may confuse people.
Alex (Calorie Secrets Admin) says
Hi Aditya
Thanks for your suggestion. Article revised!
Rose says
Hello Mr. Alex,
My name is Rose, I am currently 14 years old turning 15 this November 10, my height is 5.2 ft. I run on my treadmill everyday on 6mph on Incline 3 for 1 hour a day. My weight now as far as I know is 60 kilos, I would like to be 47 kilos on November 10, 2014 on my birthday, although if that is too unhealthy it could be on January 1, 2014. I also lift 6 lbs of weights everyday since It is fun for me and not time consuming for me, well for my schedule. I know that I am not overweight, I just want to lose weight for personal reasons. Although when school starts this June I am planning on exercising 30 mins a day, so as not to stress myself too much. Though I will try to start it as late as possible around July at least. I will still lift weights since I can do it while studying. And when I do start exercising 30 mins a day, I will try to only do that on school days. I eat 12000 calories usually, but about once or twice a week I get a bit too hungry so I end up eating 19000. Do you have any tips, suggestions in my plan Mr. Alex? If so I would be very grateful to any contribution you can give me.
toofin says
Based on your data, now I can plan to lose about 1kg per month by consuming around 1600 calories per day with a regular walk of about 2 miles everyday. Thanks for the help
Tina says
I am a 39 year old woman and I weigh 310 lbs. I have been off and on dieting for 3 years and did lose 50 lbs once but the weight came right back on. I am now currently back at the gym every day and burning 500 calories and I consume 1500-2000 calories a day. Will I lose weight at this rate?
Should I increase my workout or cut down on my calories. As it is I still feel hungry and dont want to fail. I want to be able to be active with my daughter.
Julie says
Hi my name is Julie I am a 5’8 and a half inches female and am 24 I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks can you tell me please how many calories should I consume and burn in order to do so please? Julie xx
stephanie says
hey i just want to ask how can I calculate the calories that i consume everyday?and how can I consume 3403 calories daily?could you tell me some exercises? thanks
Sadia says
Hello . I’m 16 yrs and i’m 71 kgs i want to reduce 20 kgs approx in 90 days . And my height is 5ft 3 inch. Can i please know how much calories should i burn everyday?
Thanks 🙂
Frustrated says
I am a woman and I work out two times a day three times a week and am eating between 1400-1600 calories a day I’ve been doing this faithfully for thee months but I have not lost a pound and only like a inch in my waist. In also do weight training.what am I doing wrong? Do I need to eat more calories? HELP
joy says
thanks. .im counting on you to help me understand how to loose weight in a good and healthy way. .GOD bless you. .
stef says
I am 22 and work out 5 days a week. I want to lose 15 pounds in 47 days. I understand I need to consume about 1200 calories a day but how many calories a day do I need to burn?
sam says
my weight is 290 pounds and height 6′ 1. I wish to loose 80 to 100 pounds in one year and have started cycling vigorously for 30min and go for a 45 min walk every day. i started 1 and half month back and lost 7 pounds till now. i eat 1500 to 1800 calorie diet and wanted to know if i was doing it right? or do i need to add more to my activity level?
jisa says
Hi alex I’m 23 years old and I’m 163lb I’m 5’4 I want to loose 15lb in 2months how many calories do I need to burn to loose the extra 15lb Thank you!
Alex (Calorie Secrets Admin) says
Hi Jisa
Your Basic Metabolic Rate is 1556.75 calories
Your daily calorie needs based on your current activity level is 2141 calories
To reach your goal, you will need to reduce your daily calorie intake by 875 calories, which means to consume 1266 calories daily.
Hope this helps
Kristin says
Thank you for your help. I really need some motivation!
Emmie says
I have a mental block in figuring this out so maybe someone can help me.
I’m 27 yo, female, weigh approx 180 lbs, and I am 5’7″.
I burn about 750 calories per day hiking around 4.5-5 miles (most is high elevation, some downhill (about 1.5 of it) which I tend to run.
I aim to lose 40 or more lbs. I probably lose another 50-100 calories walking at lunch and doing other activities.
I consume about 800 cals per day. Sometimes it is 600, sometimes 1000. But typically around 800.
How much would I hypothetically be able to lose in a period of 120 days or 4 months?
Caroline says
I tried doing my own calculations but my numbers just seem off from other websites. I am 158 lbs, 5’0″. It says my BMR is 1478.6 and my activity level is 1.725. I want to lose 38 lbs. calorie needs are 2551. I am in the gym with a trainer 2 times per week and exercise at gym by myself 5-6 days per week. Can you help with my numbers please? How many calories do I need and how many should I burn to achieve 38 lbs lost in 3 months?
Mr S says
I’m trying to lose my beer belly but at the same time gain some lean muscle, I used to do a lot of training for athletics so I know my schedules but never been a situation where I need to shed belly but also gain muscle, what should I do? I don’t want to lose the muscle I have right now
cherry says
I am 27 year old female, 163 cm and I weight 80 kg. I am doing 40 mts workouts per day on elliptical and burning 700 calories per day. My goal is to reach 65kg in 2 months. Please tell me how many calories should I consume per day and how many calories should i burn per day to reach my goal.Thank you!!!
Alex (Calorie Secrets Admin) says
Hi Cherry
Bases on your data, it will be very difficult to lose 15kg in just 2 months. It’s best to extend the period to 4 months by consuming around 1770 calories daily. You can use our calorie calculator above to try out different combinations to find which one is best for you.
Hope this helps
peters says
Hi! I have been trying to lose weight in the past 4 weeks and recently have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, whats the best way of losing weight and how much roughly do i need to burn? i go to the gym 3x a week. i am 5’1 and 64kgs and my goal is to be 56kgs by december. hope you could give me any helpful tips! thanks.
Linda says
I just want to know I am doing it right. I weigh 185lbs and I’m 5’4. I work out 5-6 times a week. I do about 30-45 mins doing cardio and then 20-30 mins on circuit training. I eat about 1400-1600 calories. I’m trying to eat healthier. I’m still working on that. But I do notice I don’t eat too much bad food anymore like I use to. I’m trying to lose about 50 pounds by March. So any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
sara says
My name is sara I’m 18 I weigh 220 pounds I do an hour of cardio a day how many calories should I being burning?
Aliyah says
Hi i weigh 187 pounds and i want to lose 55 pounds , i hate sport , how i can lose this weight
Dona says
I’m 32 years, 62kg wait and 5 ‘ 3″ height female. My belly too big and I want to reduce it and I want loose wait 10 kg. please tell me which exercise do u recommend me
kathy says
Im 5’2 I weight 170 after giving birth I weight alittle more because I have a figured body
Im currently breastfeeding I get more cravings then usual to eat so im at 210 right now I dont eat a lot at sitting I eat alot of times
I need urgent help to lose weight fast. I need to weigbt 155 at the most
Rigo says
My name is Rigo i’m 39 & i do an hour of cardio & 30min of weights 3-5 days a week my. Weight is 210 & i’m trying to lose 20 pounds any advice on curbing my appetite
Reereeyelhussein says
Hi, I weight 89 kilo and am 165 cm tall, I am 30 years old, and i have just started doing workout all days of the week I burn 500 calories per day, i need to know how much calories is allowed for me if I want to lose weight
Manas says
I am Manas, I do daily 1000-1200 mts swimming in out 35-45 mins, I am 5feet 8 inches, and 80 Kg in weight, By profession I am IT professional so apart from swimming I don’t have much physical work, I want to shed 10Kg weight, after doing swimming for 3 months and measuring weight I didn’t loose a pound. Please Guide.
Hannah says
My names Hannah and I’m 16 years old. I’m 5’1 and range from 107-112 pounds. For a year or so I’ve been focusing on trying to be a much healthier person than I was before. This includes cutting out unhealthy food, running everyday, watching what I eat. Sometimes the most I eat is 1,200 calories. Mostly on accident. I just get full easily. I think though because of the lack of calories, my body is in starvation mode, holding every little extra thing I eat straight to fat. I’m confused on how many calories I should eat and burn just by exercising alone to lose weight and see improvement. Thanks.
veronica says
I’m veronica, 182 lbs., 5′ 4. I want to lose 40 lbs. I would like to try to consume about 1320 calories a day. How much calories do I need to burn in a day?
Should I be consuming less calories and if so how many calories should I burn?
Also, how long on average could it take me to lose 40 pounds? Thanks co much.
Alex (Calorie Secrets Admin) says
Hi Veronica
By consuming 1320 calories per day, will take you around 3 months to lose the 40lbs.
pamela says
Hi Alex,
I am 27 years, 5 feet 5 inches and I currently weigh 146 pounds.
I would like to lose 15 pounds by the first week in December, how many calories per day should I be eating? I am really motivated to do this 🙂
And I just wanted to say thanks for this wonderful opportunity to share and ask questions:)
John says
I am 32 and weigh 206 lbs, and 5ft 6″ in height.
Have been jogging from last 2 weeks, and burning calories at the rate of 700 kcals per day. (1.5 hrs).
I have lost 3.3 lbs in last 2 weeks, and i want to get to 165 lbs. Actually i feel good the whole day. I do drink a lot of water daily. Also, i eat less that 2000 kcal per day.
Is it good, the way i am doing it?
Nicole says
I use to weigh 238 lbs and started eating 1500 calories a day and working out burning on the treadmill 3500 calories a wk…I have lost 10 lbs a month…I’m currently 210 lbs and only have been doing my diet and exercise plan for 3 months…eating all the food groups drinking 60 ozs of water and moderate exercise has really helped…just some thoughts for those aspiring weight loss…
Peaches says
I am 45 yr old female I weight 220lbs I lost 45lbs I’m at a stand still for 3 mos now im workn out 6 times a week. I eat 1500 calories a day and im burning about 900 cal as well. Plz help should I consume less cal or burn more cal….
Jack robells says
Hi I’m 15 and I’m 5 foot 6 and weigh 67 kg , I’d like to get to 58 kilograms by July , could you please tell me how many calories I should intake per day? Thankyou
Tara says
Can you please tell me the amount of calories I should take. I need it quick as I am getting married in 50 days exactly. I weigh 84kgs and my height is 5′. I need to lose at least 15kg.
Ashley says
Hey I am a female I weigh 130 pounds I am 32 years old. I really want to lose 20 pounds. How many calories do I need to lose weight. And how many of those calories should I burn. Would like to lose 2 pounds a week. And how much exercise a day do I need to do a day. And what kind is walking on treadmill ok. Or what should I do. I am so tired of being so depressed about my weight. I am doing something wrong.
Sidney sargento says
Thank u so much for this info…it really helps me a lot and get motivated…
Kriss says
I’m 20 years old, (192cm) (140Kg) 306lbs (was) and somehow I got into a state of mind where I dont even need to eat almost at all (having a huge crush on a girl) its been going on for 14 or 15 days and I been losing about 2-3lbs per day (eating like 300-500Kcal per day) and I feel good I dont even feel tired or anything about activity I dont sport or anything like that but I move quite alot on foot like 5Km or so per day (3 miles)
now I am just wondering if its okey to lose that much weight per day dont want to lose muscle or anything but I feel that its okey as I am so heavily overweight I tend to keep going like that until I reach 110KG (242lbs) then I will prob. start consuming aprox 1000Kcal per day, my perfect goal would be to have about 10-20% fat in 2 months from now last time I checked I was 136Kg and 40%+ something fat %
also I am worried about having excess skin if I lose like 40Kg(88 lbs) in 2 months
I believe that my ideal weight would be 180-200lbs (80-90Kg); I’d be happy being anything below 100Kg and I tend to reach that in 2 months if I can keep up that state of mind.
Thinking of starting running like 10-20Km per day atleast speed walking to burn as many calories as I can to eat like extra 750-1000Kcal per day heres the question too how many calories would I burn say running 7-8Km/p/h or well go out for aprox 2-3 hours to physically exhaust myself as much as possible.
olivia says
I actually dont want to lose weight. My issue is losing belly fat. I am quite slim, however would like to lose my belly fat for a flatter tummy.
Danya says
I’ve never been so confused in my intier life and I’m a Uni graduate .. 23 years old weight 152 .5’4 height. 1.5 moderately active.. Can someone pls seriously help me figure out how many calories I need to burn to lose 20 pounds in 60-80 days. Thank you really help me a great deal
ange says
Hi I am 52. And weigh 170 lbs I would like to lose 10. Lb in a month how many calories should I consume . I am moderately active . Angie
Harish says
Hi I m 26 by age and carry 89 kg weight . I want to reduce 4 kg in 90 days .can you please suggest me how much calories I should burn everyday.
jordan says
Why do people keep asking poor Alex to calculate their calories for them? USE THE CALCULATOR, that’s what it’s there for. And really, you should be consulting your physician or a dietician if you have specific nutrition-related questions – especially if you are taking meds or have current health issues.
Thanks for the awesome calculator. Very helpful!
Shelby says
i am about 5″8 and weigh around 135-139 lbs. My goal is to lose at least 15 lbs. Most people say this isn’t healthy for me but i want to barely have any fat on me and a peak of abs. I am currently going to try a workout plan I made myself. I am going to do the biggest loser workouts every other day and run 30-35 in and do ab workouts, squats, and lunges at night. On the other days I am going to do a Jilllian Michaels Body Revolution workout and run 30-35 min and then do the same excercies(abs,squats,lunges) at night and have maybe 2 rest days a week. Plus i only eat less than 1500 cal a day. I hope all this work pays off, Any tips?
martin pugh says
Hi, im consuming less calories than im using by a considerable amount according to your calculator and have been doing cardio and weights 4 times a week, however i dont seem to be losing any weight. Is it true that weight can actually increase due to firming/gaining muscle??
Linzzay says
Hi I am 32 years old and i weight 180 pounds. I am 5 feet 5 inches. I am currently going to the gym and trying to burn as many calories as possible but i do not want to over do it. I want to loose at least 40 lbs. I want to have a goal as of to how many calories should i burn daily to loose 30 lbs in five months. Please help 🙁
I am 33 year old male, 167cm and my weight is 78.5 kg. I walk 1.5 K.m. daily and burn 400 Calories every day by exercise , I would like to lose 12 Kg in 90 days. Please tell me how many calories should I consume per day.
NK says
I am a 33 yr old Male. I am 173 cms, 93 kgs and have a not so good-looking paunch to deal with. My daily intake is ~3000 kCals. My ideal weight I guess should be ~ 75 kgs. I’ve started exercising in the gym and here are my stats:
1. I run on a treadmill for about 20 mins burning ~250 calories.
2. Then, I run / fast-walk on the Eliptical Cross Walker for about 25 mins burning ~250 calories.
3. Then, I do some tummy crunches (about 2 sets of 10 repititions each)
4. Then, continue with some machine training – Lad, Bench-press etc. for about 10-15 mins.
Is this kind of exercise regime sufficient for me to get to my ideal weight in 90 or 120 days?
Janine says
Hey there, im 28 year old female and I want to lose 40 pounds in 3 months, I weight 185 pounds now, I have may wedding coming up a my dress fitting to do. So I need to lose it fast, I had a baby 6 months ago, I do cardio 6 days a week and weight train 2 days a week. What calories woulf I have to have a day to lose this?
ebony says
I woul like to lose between 15 – 20 pounds
alan says
Hi. The calculator says I need to take in 1087 calories a day. I current work out 5 times per week burning 800 calories a day. Does that mean I need to take in 1887? I’m currently taking in around 700 cals and burning 800. Thanks
Beccy Overton says
ive done the calulations which helped and ive been excercising regularly since the beginning of the year. ive already lost 9.5kg. ive just started introducing weights to my training. im aiming for another 2.5kg weight loss asap with a daily calorie intake of 1340. should I be burning more than this each work out toloose more weight? I seem to be stuck at the moment and feeling very very defeated.
mindy says
My name is Mindy I am 34 years old I exercise 3 times a week or more i drink lots of water . I want to lose 20 pounds by June 2014 how do i reach my goal? I am 5 ” 5 weight now 185 pounds
Simone says
Hi there
I’m female aged 21, Weight 62kg and height 169. I exercise most days cardio about 30-40 and weight. I have just started getting into a routine with exercise over the last 2 weeks. I am looking at loosing 5kg in a month or 2? Is this realistic and what clarion intake am I looking at to do so? Thanks !!!!!
Jade says
So how do I figure out how many calories I’m eating in a day if I eat mostly all foods that do not come from a box with labelling
Ciara says
Hi I’m 23 and way ten and a half stone , I’m 5,6 while my body MAss index is fine body fat is fairly bad I want to lose at least 2 stone I will stop sooner if u look to thin , what calories should I take daily I’m giving myself 6 months to try to do this , I’m walking and jogging for 40 mins a day so far I have lost 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks I know it. Will slow down thanks x
rajesh says
I weigh 126 kilos and my height is 6feet 3 inch. I want to cut down 15 kilos in 75 days, how much calorie intake I should do in a day
abhijit says
i’m 5’5 and my weight is 76.5 I want to loose 4-5 kg of wt with in 1 or 2 months is it possible
Kathryn says
Hello, I’m 5’9 and weigh 219 pounds. I’m a 21 year old female.
I want to lose about 50-60 pounds. In the last week, I’ve lost 4, but I’m not sure if I’m doing it correctly. I work two jobs, one where I sit at a computer all day for 8 hours, and one where I hostess at a restaurant. Walking and standing, serving trays and carrying drinks for 4-5 hours a day, 20-30 hours a week. I’ve also started stationary cycling for 20-25 minutes a day, doing 20 second sprints and 40 second rests — I try and do this 5 times a week.
What’s my activity would you say? Light, moderate? I’m just not sure!
Nasreen says
It is very useful .Thank u
Pallavi says
I am 37 Yrs , my weight is 67kg. I want to reduce my belly fat.. Overall I am not having much fat but I have only belly fat… I am at the moment walking for 1 hr per day at the speed of 4.5.m burning abt 237 cal….. first of all I want to ask you whether only walking will reduce my belly fat and in how much time…secondly how much calories should I burn more and how much should I eat per day…
Waiting for a reply
Pratap Singh says
Calorie secret is good for people confidence
Katie says
Hi I’m 220 pounds as of right now my goal is to lose 90 pounds by February’s end next year and I am going to start eating 3000 calories a week it’s unhealthy but I don’t need a lecture so I want to know how many I should burn daily
Corne says
Hi Katie,
I don’t know your height or age and this could play a role, but assuming some values (26 years and 167 cm) then even if you take the highest activity level, that means you push yourself extremely hard with workouts, you can come to a daily consumption of 2600 Calories, since you approximately require 3429 Calories per day at that extremely high activity level. I think you would have to consider reducing your calorie intake, but start slowly and let your body get used to lesser calories over time. Sorry for not being able to give you the answer you were looking for.
Aileen says
My name is Aileen. I’ve been trying to lose 10 lbs for the longest. My current weight is 133 lbs but I am trying to weight 120/123 lbs. Its so hard!! I bought me a pedometer I burn at least 1200/1500 calories a day at work, more when I work out. I started to eat healthy. I don’t consume a lot of calories. How many calories a day I have to burn to lose weight in a week? I’ve realized that my metabolism is not the same when I was on my 20. Do I have to take weight loss pills to reach my goal?? Plz help..
Hanro says
Hi. I calculated my calorie intake goal and BMR. Then I made use of the online calorie counter and put in my meals for today, what I would in general be comfortable eating in a day. The total calories here are below the required intake and in fact very far below my BMR. If this is in fact true, is this bad in terms of weight loss goals? This would mean that I have been eating below my BMR 50% of the time, take-outs obviously don’t help the other 50% of the time (this might actually also be an issue, although I will be trying to cut these out).
Muhibbe says
hi! i am 30 years old unmarried woman. i weigh 90 kilos. my height is 5 feet 2 inches. i want to loose 40 kilos in 2 months. please recommend me how many minutes should i walk daily to reach my target.
Rita says
I’m 44 female – my weight is 62 kg. I’m on a calorie control diet 1200 a day which I sometimes only use under 1000 a day . I work out 3/4 times a week .
In 5 weeks I lose a stone in weight and was very excited.
I’m doing completely the same thing and for the past 8 weeks I have lost no weight and my bmi went from 24.9 to 25.2.
I am completely confused why I haven’t lost any weight.
Please help as I’m at a stage of giving up.
I want to lose between a stone or stone a half before May this year.
My legs have lost weight, arms, face, breast and some of my tummy.
My main area I want to lose weight is my back and swollen tummy .
Can anyone help me?
Abdul says
Hi.. I am Abdul. My age is 19.And My weight is 81. My height is about 175cm. I need to lose weight around 5-10 kgs in 6 months.What can I do?. Give me some useful tips. My problem is that it will take months to reduce 1kg. but it takes just a week to increase 1kg. Help me!!!
Akshay says
I am Akshay Bhatt , my age is 25 , my height is 5’7 and my weight is 78.6 kg. I want to reduce 8 Kg weight as if i am over weight reight now. I have recently started jogging 4km in the morning and same in the evening.
I have controlling my diet also , please guide me how much time will it take to reduce the weight and what else i should go for to get better and timely result.
Thanks & Regards
Zena says
I eat between 1,000 and 1,500 calories a day. I’m 53 and want to loose 1st 1lb I weigh 13s 10lb and I want to do it in 128 days how many calories do I need to burn up per day
Karen says
I’m looking to lose 100lbs so I have some weight to lose. I’m extremely tall for a woman, 6’3″ so my weight is heavy but does not look so bad because I’m so tall but I gained this weight over the years from having children and aging and being just plain lazy. I’m in my early 40’s so now I’ve decided I have to get close to my ideal weight which is from 153-200lbs. I weighed myself on March 23rd at 298lbs. For the last month, I’ve been very careful of my meals, eating fresh veggies, lentils, no breads, starches and all the bad stuff, so I would reward myself with a “sweet” before bed ( a no…no) and walking 30-45min 5 days a week. To no avail…the weight DID NOT come off. So I decided to not eat the “sweet” before bed and try no sugar at all. Not in my coffee, tea not in anything period. I tried this starting March 23rd, when I got up on the next morning March 24th. I was 4 lbs lighter 298 to 294lbs no lie. If you haven’t heard I’m telling you now, sugar is the culprit in our diets, its in everything and if you can just cut back on the sugars, the weight will come off. fter 2 days I’m 8lbs lighter! I know its just water weight. Now I know my body will not continue on this path, however I’ve the type of body that just holds on to sugar. As long as I can keep losing weight, the sweets will just have to take a back seat, Good Luck All
Stephanie says
I have been calorie counting for a while now but have hit a serious plateau. I am a 25 year old female at 5’9″ and about 155 lbs. I would like to lose 20lbs by my wedding day. I was consuming around 1200 calories per day and burning off anywhere from 100-200 calories per day. When I calculated it out on this site it says I should be eating more calories than what I was but in my mind that doesn’t make sense. Should I be eating more calories? I would love to lose the 20 lbs in 2 months but I know that isn’t practical or healthy but I need to get over this plateau. I run about 4 times a week and also do some strength training which I usually don’t factor in my calorie count. Please help!
surya says
im 5.6height and 98kg. i want to reduce my weight. what i need to do and which type food i should take to reduce my weight!
Betty says
I am a 49 year old female who has lost 50 yet for the last 6 months I am stalled. I have not gained but I can’t seem to lose anymore. I cut down on calories and do more activities but nothing works. I am to the point of giving up. I still need to lose around 70 pounds. I was at almost 300 pounds at the start of my diet. Any tips or info is much appreciate!
Ruth says
Hi Chris.
Im a 28 year old female, I am 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 57 gs, two months ago i started running and kickboxing, I work out atleast 4 times a week, i have also reduced my food intake drastically have also cut down drinking but yet nothing has changed im still the same weight !!! is it age?? because just last year i use to run for two weeks and i get immediate results and lose weight.
cindy says
hi, I am a 37 year old female. In October 2014 I started to diet by counting calories. I would only eat between 800-1200 a day. Now it’s June and I have lost 63 pounds. I started at the gym about a month ago and I burn between 450-500 calories when I am there and go estimated every other day 3-4 times a week. For some time now I have increased my calorie intake because I realized I needed to eat more because I was in a rut and not losing more weight. I now eat between 13-1600 cal. a day, 1600 is more on the days I go to the gym. I am in a rut again and get so confused on how many calories I should really eat. I am currently 163 pounds and 5’5″. I did the calculation on your site and it says I should eat around 1450 calories a day. I get upset when I am already eating low calories, exercising and then gain a pound! How and why when I eat one day 1200 cal and the next 1500 cal? I really need help and guidance on what to do.
Thank you!
Anu Salgotra says
Helo ,I am female and i am 24 year old . My weight is 92.7 kg and my height is 163cm . Before few day i join gym and workout for 1hr. Plz tel how much calories i take and burn to lose my weight with in 2month.
Indu says
Hi ,
I am 30 yrs female with a height of 5 ft 2 inches and my current weight is 164 lbs . I have been burning 1000 calories a day since Feb 2015 and eating close to 1000 calories daily . In addition to this I have been drinking honey cinnamon drink for last three weeks but I haven’t seen a single pound loss . I desire to loose 30 lbs in one month .
Please tell me if there is something wrong in my weight loss attempt ? If possible please advise me a pure vegetarian diet plan .
John Francisco says
Hi. I’m a 17 years old guy. My weight is 183lbs and my height is 5’9. Just wondering if having 1550 calorie diet is okay for me or should I go with a 1800 calorie diet plan if I would want to lose 2lbs a week. Thanks.
sabeen says
Hello , I am 25 year old female, 165cm and I weight 80 kg. I am walking 3-4 times per week for about 30 minutes and some times im doing exercise for 15 mins and I want to lose 10 kg in 40 days, could you please tell me how much calories should i take??
Lexie says
Hi, I’m 18 and weigh 104 pounds I’d like to get back to my previous weight of 98. Is this possible? How many calories should I consume per day?
Usha says
I am Usha, 31 yrs old female, my weight is 72.7 kg and height is 151 cm, i am doing 1hr 30 mins cardio exercise along with strength training(upper body – 1st day, lower body 2nd day and core – 3 rd day) for last two weeks, and consuming around 1500 – 1700 calories per day, i just lost 1 kg till now, is there any correction needed.can i speed up my weight loss.
Thank you
Trish says
Hi there,
I am 49 Yeats old 161lbs and 5’4 tall (short lol). I am attempting to lose weight and keep it off. What exercises burn calories and how many calories do I need to burn a day? I need to lose 35 lbs. could you please assist me with this issue. I do 1 hour of walking which is 4 miles and then stretch. I am not losing the weight. I take in 1000 calories a day
Arya says
I am 21 year old female and I workout everyday and burn about 200 calories a day. I am a vegetarian and I don’t drink coffee or have any sort of caffeine intake except for green tea twice a day. I used to be 78 kg in the beginning of December. I lost 3 kg in the beginning of January and I have not worked out in 3 days because of my period and exams and my weight went back up again to 78 kg. My usual intake is within 1000 to 1500 calories a day. What should I do to decrease 15 kg in a 5 to 7 month span?
Michael says
I am 28,I walk about 4km a day with a height of 1.85m and weight of 83kg, how many calories do I need in a day? and how many calories are in 5 glasses of cooked rice (averagely). I need to gain good muscle mass and energy for my activities too.
anaa says
hi! i’m 14 year old girl and i weigh 80 kg. my brother’s wedding is coming closer and i want to lose 40 kgs in 2 months. i have sedentary lifestyle. how much calories should i take in one day and burn in one day??
sumita says
hi my name is sumita. My height is 150cm, weight is 133lbs. i am suffering with thyroid recently so i am putting weight. Can you plz. help me out how to reduce my weight.
Currently i have started morning walking+jogging & after office gyming for 30 to 1hrs(basic cardio workout).
Plz suggest me what to do more to reduce weight.
Maria says
I would like to lose 15 pounds by July 10. How many calories shall I consume a day ? And how many shall I burn during exercise to achieve this ? I am 158 pounds and I meter 52 cm tall. I am so desperated to lose some weight.
Aparna says
Hi I am 38 yrs old female, 5ft 1 inch 62 kgs. I want to loose 7 kgs 2-3 months as my ideal weight should be 55kgs as per my BMI. I do 30 mins walking 5 days a week. Pls tell me what should be my diet and is 30 mins walking enough to loose 7 kgs ?
Pls send me reply to the personal mail id given.
karen says
please help
i am 50, 5ft 6″ i weigh 82 kilos i walk 5 miles every day for the past 5 days only lost 1lb a week having fewer calories. how many calories should i be eating?
Zeb says
Hi Alex,
Walking 10,000 steps daily, which for me is almost 7 Km, @ a brisk pace; how should I categorise it for the purposes of “Daily Activity/Activity Factor” ?
Also, to avoid muscle loss, should I consume Whey protein before or after my above mentioned daily walk?
Tony says
I decided to start walking to lose weight and to track it using a Pedometer app on my phone. I walked every day but not always equal amounts but close enough.
These are the results of week one after 7 long walks:
Total 107,100 steps, 85.68 KM and it says I burned 7,303 calories. My starting weight was 252 pounds and my weight this morning is 240 pounds (I am 6 foot tall).
I cut out snacking but didn’t reduce the size of my meals (which I really should) and I have lost 12 pounds in one week.
Some people have told me that this is too much weight to lose so quickly. Is it healthy to lose weight at this rate as my goal was to lose 60 pounds in 90 days?
Heather says
This is an awesome tool and great site!!! I’m 5’5 and 239lb trying to get down to a 130lbs. What is the correct duration to achieve this result yet still maintain good health. Thanks in advance.
Paul says
Age – 26
Height – 5’11”
Weight – 205 pounds.
I’m finally determined to do something about this. My first step is to get down to 175 pounds (-30). I have very little muscle (I have no problem admitting that) so the BMI calculator is most likely rather accurate.
28.6 – Which is overweight, and almost even to the “Obese” category. 175 would put me down to 24.4 which is at the higher end of the “normal weight” category.
I’ve practically never eaten a fruit in my life. They are too sweet for me and I can’t stomach them. Bananas taste horrendous also.
Anyway, I bought a blender last week along with a bunch of frozen fruits (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries) and started having smoothies for breakfast as opposed to 1 scrambled egg, 3-4 slices of bacon, and deep fried tater tots.
Today marks day 1 of my new journey.
I plan to have a nice fruit smoothie (no added sugar or anything. Just the frozen fruits and milk / water) for breakfast. Some triple 0 yogurt as a mid-morning snack. A bunch of vegetables for lunch. And a “normal” dinner for myself. (Grilled chicken, broccoli, potatoes, etc.). I’m also going to start going to the gym, which terrifies me.. but I must do it.
I’m not at University anymore and can drink every weekend while staying fit.
I’ve decided to cut out alcohol and soda as well. I don’t drink much soda, but I like to drink on the weekends which of course means soda comes along for the ride.
No real reason for me to post all this. Other than to say I enjoyed this article, and reading through everyones comments.
I wish everybody success on changing their lifestyle and being healthier.
George says
I’m 30 years old. I am 6ft and weight 354lbs. I would like to lose 150lbs in a year if that is possible. That’s just under 3lbs a week. I walk to and from work which is 0.7miles away. Nothing major. I think I should be consuming 2000kcal a day. Does that sound ok?
Meredith says
I am 40 years old (female), 5ft tall and weigh 61.5kgs. I exercise daily, running and weights on alternate days, burning on average 250-300 cals each session according to my HRM.
I have been consuming 1200 calories assuming that if I go over this I will gain weight.
From what I have just entered in your calculator I am eating too little. Eating more feels counter-intuitive, but will this see me break through a plateua I have hit (I have maintained this weight now for 3 months, after losing 8 kgs in the first 6 months).
It’s very disheartening to work harder, eat less and still see no shift on the scales. Should I increase the calories to 1400?
mehul j says
Hi Alex
thank you for the wonderful table. I weight 75kg and Ht-168cm. I wish to lose 3kg over this month. I have started walking daily for 7km of which 1km i run.The indian diet calorie calculation is tough. Can u suggest if this is achievable.
RajKumar says
HI Alex,
Raj here. 35/M/173 CM. I have lost 22 (219- >197) lbs in last 5 months by having a lower calorie i.e. less than 2000 cal/day diet. When I did a calculation in your site with my details, my weight loss math looks perfect.
I haven’t done any exercise though.
I have lost most fat from my tummy & waist line. My waist line reduced nearly by 3 inchs.
Do you think 22 lbs loss in 5 months with diet modification is good or may I need to worry about any underlying health condition ?
Thanks for the brilliant site you put here.. 🙂
Cheers ,
Inna says
Male , 40 years
Weight 75 kg
Height 160 cm
Dailly walk burning 350 calories
I take 1000 calories food daily.
How many Days will I take to reduce my weight about 5 kg
Tanya says
This has been the most helpful post I have read about why calorie counting matters! Thank you!
Sunitha says
Hiiii ,I am 49 years old
Female with weight 80 kgs
I am burning 700 calories daily by walking , started 2 weeks before , I want to loss 20 kgs
How many calories shall I burn and how many calories I have to consume every day
Shreen says
Hello plz I really need a answer to this? My Bmr is 1000 calories to maintain so I’m supposed to eat 700 a day to lose… But suppose I eat more 1400 calories and burn in my exercise 1100 did I achieve my goal to cut 500 from food consumed and the rest to lose weight? Cause I can’t lower my food intake I get dizzy… I prefer to cut only from exercise even if I have to exercise more? Plz answer me thank you…
Abhishek shah says
I am 19 years old and my weight is 97 kg and i want to reduce 40 kg at 7 month. Just now i am walking 1 hour and 7km a day and doing diet plan and going to gym and doing aerobics 3 days a week.so how i can reduce weight 40 kg in 7 month and is there any need to change shedule.so how i can reduce weight 40 kg in 7 month and which diet plan i follow can u give me diet plan and some instructions
simon field says
i am 18 and half stone,i have used calculations on this site,moderate exercise, and 2330 calories per day.my question is,if i burn 400 calories running,can i eat 400 more calories?
Zangetsu says
I am 18 years old , male 168 cm and 70 kg , I lost 20 kg from April to November 2016 , since 1 month I’m stuck at 70 kg no lose weight , I eat 1200 calorie per day and do HIIT 1 hour 30 minutes five times per week , I don’t drink soda and don’t eat sugar , what should I do pls some advised.
angie dickenson says
wow, amazing how many people are too lazy to read the article and use the calculator on their own. Im suprised at the unrealistic goals. think how long it took you to put it on, it didnt happen overnight, right?
Massoud says
I am 35 years old , male, 183 cm and 96.5 kg . I want to lose 12 kg in three months, How many calories do I need for my body and how many I must burn/
Mushtaq says
I am 42 weighing 80 kgc height 5.7 I want to lose 20 kgso how much calories I take and what exercise I need to burn calories
Mike says
I am 23 year old male . I weigh 131 kilos and I am 5 ft 11 inches.
I would like to loose 70 kilos in 200 days.
Can you please tell me how many calories per day should I Consume.
megan says
Hi, I am struggling with what I should be choosing for the activity level. I do Orange Theory 5-6 days a week and hot yoga 1-2 days a week with one full day off. Ultimately, at Orange theory I burn 320-450 cals and I’m not sure about yoga because I’m, quite frankly, not very darn good at it so I don’t know what I’m getting for calorie burn.
Basically, I started this fitness journey a month or so ago and have only lost a pound or two and I’m beginning to wonder if it’s because I’m actually underestimating what I need to be consuming, so my body is hanging on to every shred of what I’m putting into it. I try to keep my calorie intake 1500-1700. I’m trying to lose 20 lbs in about 3 months if I can, but I’ll take dropping a dress size or two over the number on the scale, too.
Can someone tell me more about what exactly “active” or “lightly active” etc means. Saying I do “sports 3 times a week” isn’t exactly helping me. Do they mean, I’m training for a Spartan race with combat crossfit three times a week or that I’m doing good cardio at Orange Theory three times a week? Any info would be great.
Tee says
Hi I am Tee.
I am 30 year old. Height is 5.2 and I weigh 98kg. I want to know how much calories I should consume daily and how much calories I need to burn to lose 1.5lb a week..
Penny says
Hello. I will be turning 41 in few months and I weigh 210 pounds and 5’2. I want to lose 2 pounds a week. My doctor told me I need more protein a day about 70g a day. I am wondering how many calories should I eat a day to lose 2 pounds a week and how many calories should I be burning per day. Thank you. She will see me back at her office in May if I am not losing weight and blood pressure going down She wants to put me on blood pressure meds which I do not want.
Amy says
OK, so I’m a 15 year old female with a height of 5’3 (161 cm) and a weight of 139 lbs (63 Kg), and my activity level is 1.55. I want to lose 33-34 lbs in 4 months, so lose 119000 Cal in 4 months.
According to my calculations I need to eat 1239.5 Calories per day, which I can do. And burn 245.75 Calories per day, the problem with this is that I don’t go to the gym everyday, so will that slow my process down? So if I go to the gym say 5 times a week, what would be a realistic calorie amount to burn each day in order to lose 34 lbs in 4 months? Thank you!
Denisse says
I have one question, so how many more calories than what I consume, do I need to burn in order to lose weight?
I am a 5’2 girl, 26 years old, and weight 140. I want to lose 10 lbs in 30 days. So according to my BMR, I need to consume 1317 daily. So I obvioly need to burn more than 1317 calories a day in order to lose the 10 lbs rigth??
But how many calories?
Danny says
30yr old female 5′ tall weighing 178 lbs. I want to lost a total of 40 in 122 days.
how many calories a day should I be consuming and how many should I be burning?
my activity is daily cardio.
please advise.
Varun says
Hi, I’m Varun. I am 5’10” and weigh around 150 kilos. I workout for about 2 hours a day including 40 mins session of cardio and consume around 2750 calories everyday. I wish to lose half of my body weight. What would be the ideal way to lose weight? Is there anything I should add to my curriculum.
Sophia says
I’m 14 years old female, 5’5 and 59kgs.
I sleep a good amount everyday, 2 hours of intense workout per week as well as a daily 30min jog. I clean as often as I can to keep active and do step ups for about 20mins every night before bed.
But I can’t keep to eating the right thing! Due to family money issues, we don’t eat healthy. So I barely eat, and then I get starved. And because I’m starving myself, my body had learned to store fat because it knows I won’t eat!
I can’t loose weight no matter how much I try because of my diet… Help.
(And please don’t tell me I’m too young! Because I’m trying to keep healthy, not to have a six pack)
smriti shrinkhala says
It would be very grateful if you can tell how much calories do i need to consume daily and how much to loose to attain 45 kgs. My current weight is 51.6, height 4 feet 11 inches. What should i eat and what all should i avoid strictly? Also, I am planning to conceive after 4-5 months.
Jake says
I am 25 and weigh 19 stone 4 lbs and 185cm tall, I am now working out on my Crosstrainer 2 to 3 times a day for 40 minutes per session, 5 days a week and each time it tells i have burnt off over 1200 (which i think it is fibbing about), to put a guess on my calorie intake ( i didnt think of keeping track of it until i found this site) i would say its somewhere between 1500 to 2500 calories a day.
Am i doing enough to get fit in a healthy way, or am i overdoing it?
Lynn says
Hi I’m Lynn
From my calculations, I should be taking in 1760 calories a day to lose weight…there is no way I can eat that many calories, my average calorie intake daily is 1,089. I burn approximately 650-700 calories a day at the gym. I’m starting to think this is why I’m not losing weight. Any suggestions would be helpful
Katrina says
I began dieting seven weeks ago and have lost a total of 10 lbs. I am a 41 year old female with a current weight of 145 lb at 5’4″. I would still like to lose another 10 lbs but I have hit a weight loss plateau. I am currently consuming around 1300 calories a day and then I am burning around 300 -500 calories during my daily hight intensity workout that I do for an hour five days a week. What can I do to get out of this weight loss plateau that I have hit? I have been reading lots of articles and blogs and I keep getting mixed messages. Am I consuming enough calories?
Is it possible that my body is in starvation mode since I am burning so much of it off? Please help!
Barbara says
I am just over 15 stone, recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I need to lose weight, how do I count my daily calorie intake on a daily basis.
Alex (Calorie Secrets Admin) says
Hi Barbara
Please read this article on type 2 diabetes and weight loss: https://www.caloriesecrets.net/type-2-diabetes-and-weight-loss/