Chances are you heard about the benefits of bone broth before. Everybody knows that is good for the immune system when you are sick as it helps rehydrate the body and replace low electrolytes. Are there any additional health benefits from drinking broth protein as part of your daily diet? Making broth, or stock, from […]
Articles About Protein
Getting the right amount of protein in your diet is very important. Following a diet that is high in protein has a number of health benefits, including (but not limited to) weight loss, muscle growth and increase in metabolism. In general, a high protein diet is safe to follow for a long period of time without worrying about any side effects to your health or diet.
Top Articles About Protein
Is Beef a Good Source of Protein?
Beef or any other animal meats are some of the best dietary sources of protein. Animal foods contain all nine essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and we have to get the essential amino acids from the diet because they body can’t make them. Plants can provide essential amino acids […]
What Foods are Considered Complete Proteins and Why You Should Care
The body uses protein we get from food to make new cells, regulate fluid balance, make new hormones and provide satiety to a meal. The Institute of Medicine recommends getting 10-35% of daily calories from protein. In developed countries, getting enough protein is not a concern. Most Americans get more than enough protein from their […]
12 High Protein Foods to Add to Your Shopping List (Number 9 Will Surprise You)
While most people get above the RDA intake for daily protein, the protein distribution throughout the day can be just as important for overall health and protein synthesis. A majority of people tend to eat most of their protein in the evening with much smaller amounts for breakfast and lunch. Instead of just bumping up […]
How Protein Shakes for Weight Loss Work
The appeal for protein shakes for weight loss is they can be used as a low calorie, easy meal replacement. There have been many studies suggesting higher protein intake at meals may be helpful for weight loss while preserving lean muscle mass. Protein also has a high satiety level which could translate to eating less […]
The Difference Between Animal and Plant Protein and Why You Should Care
The body uses proteins to make new cells, help with fluid balance and make enzymes that have many functions in the body. It is recommended healthy adults get daily between 10-35% of calories coming from protein. Unfortunately, some people around the world struggle to get adequate daily protein, but people living in first world countries […]
How Much Protein Should I Eat at Breakfast?
Many consider breakfast the most important meal of the day and for good reason. Children who eat tend to have better nutritional profiles and be less likely to be overweight compared to children who skip breakfast. Eating breakfast has also been shown to be helpful for cognitive function and memory in children. The benefits of […]
Health Benefits & Dangers of Whey Protein
Whey is a protein from cow’s milk. Whey is commonly associated with whey protein powder which is made from separating the two main proteins in milk, whey and casein. The liquid whey part is then dried to form a powder. Whey protein is popular with people who want to build muscle mass because it is […]
Why is Protein Important for Weight Loss
Higher protein diets have become very popular for weight loss and weight maintenance. Why is protein important for weight loss? Protein tends to make us feel full the longest compared to fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are large molecules that take a long time to digest. They also take some extra energy for digestion and absorption. […]
How Much Protein Do You Need Per Day?
Protein is one of those nutrients most Americans don’t have to worry about getting enough of. Certain populations do have an increased protein need, but if eating a healthy diet can still adequately fill their protein needs easily with diet. Proteins have many functions in the body including metabolism, immunity, fluid balance, make enzymes, hormones […]
How much protein do you need after a workout?
Refueling after exercise is key for rebuilding muscle tissue and glycogen stores. Exercise can break down muscle fibers which hinders building muscle and strength. However, getting adequate nutrition through the day, and after exercise, can offset muscle break down and contribute to muscle growth. Athletes need about 1.2-1.7 gm/kg of body weight. Most athletes get […]
Are There Any Side Effects Of Protein Powders?
Many people take protein powders in an effort to gain muscle. However, there is some controversy as to whether this is really effective. There is evidence suggesting that consuming high level s of protein may in fact have negative side effects for your health. Does protein powder help to build muscle? It is certainly true […]